Juniper Berry, Rosemary & bush tomato balsamic Wallaby Roast
epending on the size of roast you may need to double marinade mix.
1 large sprig of rosemary
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 heaped tblspn juniper berries
A good drizzle of lemon myrtle or extra virgin olive oil
A good drizzle of bush tomato balsamic vinegar
800gm wallaby leg or shoulder
Seasonal roasting vegetables
2 onions, quartered
4 large beetroots, quartered
6 carrots, halved lengthways
A splash of white wine or stock
Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Take the wallaby out of the fridge one hour before cooking, rinse and pat dry
Dress with olive oil and salt sear in a smoking hot pan until caramel in colour (couple of minutes on each side).
To make the marinade, crush rosemary, garlic juniper berries, oil and balsamic in a mortar and pestle and apply the marinade onto the roast.
Chop all the seasonal vegetables and place into a large roasting pan. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Add a splash of white wine and place the meat on top of the vegetables.
Cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour for rare and rest for 20-30 minutes wrapped loosely in foil before serving.
While the roast is resting, take the vegetables out of the roasting pan, drain the juices as to not stew the vegetables and put back into the oven until cooked.
The juices can be saved as jus and served on the wallaby roast once carved.